Thursday, 7 August 2014

Day 12 Teaching


Its like being at work blog fans....I have travelled half way round the world for the daily 9-5 grind.

Following the morning sing along today was maths lessons. We started with numbers and they showed they were very accomplished with numbers up to a 1000. Not surprising with their currency. We moved onto addition and subtraction and then gave them a maths text. 20 questions. Top mark 18\20.
We also moved onto shapes and had a bingo shapes session. Bingo has really taken off
Following maths we moved onto colouring from a colouring book.

The girls was the usual sing along then maths. We then did some origami making the little game where you put your fingers in and move the boxes up and down. They went down a storm. Followed by some colouring.

The younglings was a book called 10 little monsters which really gripped their attention. Mrs G is such a good story teller. Following the story we made monsters with googly eyes. I then stuck them on the wall and at one point had all the younglings waving monsters at me and had to ask Alison to help me as I was pinned in the corner. This Indian culture of not queuing starts young.

After work we went to the Chhattipur Mandir (Temple), a Hindu temple built in 1974. Firstly we went to the main shrine to seen huge colourful statues of the Hindu Gods especially Hanuman (monkey God). We had a blessing and were given a Bindi (dot on the forehead) and a red string band tied on our wrists with a prayer. Outside was a herd of cows who seemed to know it was a holy shrine and stopped for us to take some snaps. (Cows are holy in India)
We then crossed the road to a second part of the temple and found another shrine where Mrs G watched part of the chanting and rituals. In the complex was a 100ft monkey god so we walked up to it. To approach you had to remove your shoes. It was fantastic the detail was incredible. A young english speaking girl next to me explained who the god was and about the site.

We left and got an auto home and had fried egg sandwiches before a very quick planning session before bed time.
Washing gate is over all clothes returned.

Bed now late one but its definitely cooler xx

Making monsters

Monsters on the wall

Chhatipur Temple main Shrine

Holy Cow....

Monkey God 100ft high

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