Thursday, 13 September 2012

Russia Trip Day seven

Up early this morning, quick breakfast and off into the rush hour traffic. Raining like hell and took a short amount of time to find the A194 to the border. During the ride was stopped by the Russian traffic police just outside Kaliningrad. The officer examined our passports but didn't have a clue and could not speak English. Anyway left with a thank you and no bribes. The cop was very interested in the armoured jacket.
Made it to the border and horrendous queues, but he local Russians and Polish waved us through to the front of the queue. The Russian guard on seeing our UK passports let us into the border area and in no time we were through customs and passport control and stamped out of Russia. Andy had a few hairy moments with his passport.
Then onto the Polish controls and do they take there time....had the passports examined twice in 10 feet and the panniers searched. Total time about 2 hours.
Got motoring into Poland in the pouring rain, soaked to the skin but made it to Koszalin about 200 miles from the Russian border. Holed up in a cracking little motel for the night. Had Polish food for tea and a variety of polish beers.
Early night tonight.... Perhaps....and into Germany tomorrow.

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