The entry fee was £28 for the weekend including 2 nights camping.
Saturday we spent the morning walking around the bike and 4x4 stalls. There was only a few bike stalls inc James Cargo, Adventure Bike Shop. Authors Graham Field and Dom Giles were selling books. The show was extremely 4x4 bias but bikes have not been part of this for long and from what I am told there were more bikes than last year.
The food and craft areas were good and the beer tent was serving excellent beer at good prices. Both nights had a band Friday was clearly better than Saturday. The marshals were friendly and very helpful and there was good acces to toilets and showers.
Went to Graham Field talk about travels which was a enjoyable talk, watched Dakar Dreams starring Danny Jules (Red Dwarf). Missed the Dom Giles talk as it was too late on the Sunday.
Overall I enjoyed the show and will be going again next year taking Mrs G and some biking friends.